The WYBA's Indoor Golf Event @ X-Golf Worcester.
Please join us Thursday, March 23rd at X-Golf Worcester located at the Worcester Trolley Yard. The facility is amazing and proved to be a great time last year!
Whether you are an avid golf enthusiast or the casual duffer, you will enjoy the indoor golf experience and camaraderie (heckling) with your WYBA brethren.
Play on the scenic and demanding courses of the Pro Tour and shed the rust on your 2023 golf game before the season starts!
We'll have 5 bays available to us from 5:00pm to 7:00pm and the bar area until close. We will play an 18 hole Florida scramble in groups and perhaps throw some challenges in there if time and numbers allow.
Dinner will be catered by X-Golf and will include steak tips, chicken parm, baked ziti, sides, and apps.

Please note that the number of golfers is capped at 25 - sign-up now to guarantee your spot!
Guests are welcome and encouraged!
Also, there is a dinner only option for those who are interested.
Cash bar available throughout (of course)
Your 2022-2023 WYBA Board
Kevin Maguire, Allan Villatoro, Ted Broderick, Daniel D'Amico, Sean Biernacki, & Elyson dos Santos